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Indoor Plants That Require Little Water
If you can easily walk by the same houseplant ten times a day and hardly even notice it, these easy-to-care-for plants are for you. Here are nine houseplants that you can enjoy with little work or watering!
Air Plants / Tillandsias
Much like their name Tillandsia suggests, these spidery plants don't even need soil to thrive; you can literally hang them in midair, place them in a decorative vase, or prop them up on a shelf. Unlike plants grown in dirt, they absorb water through their leaves, so mist them lightly with a spray bottle. Available fall, spring and winter, while supplies last.
Cast-Iron Plant
This low-growing plant with wide flats leaves can stand up to tough conditions, especially an environment where the plant owner does not pick up the watering can for a while. You should water them when the soil is dry, but they'll fare through a drought, too.
Chinese Evergreen
"This is one rock solid plant," says Martin. "Of course, I don't think you should torture any plant, but the Chinese evergreen can stand up to a lot. And there are fun versions with speckles and stripes that look like they belong at a carnival." Chinese evergreens can tolerate low to medium light, and you can water when you notice the soil is dry.
Ponytail Palm
This Mexico native gets its name, Ponytail Palm, from its shape — its skinny leaves sprout from a thick stalk, where it stores water.
This leafy vine would have been voted "most popular" in high school. Since it’s quite hardy (and very pretty), people choose it often. It can deal with low light, and won't be bothered if you let the soil dry out. You’ll know you’re watering it too much if the leaves begin to turn yellow.
Snake Plant
Also called mother-in-law's tongue (perhaps because its leaves come to a sharp point), Sansevieria are easy-care plants, which make them a popular choice for many homes. "You might think they're kind of passé," says Tovah Martin, expert gardener and author of the upcoming book, The Indestructible Houseplant. "But at a recent flower show, I saw a lot of interesting new varieties, like a silver-looking one."
Spider Plant
In addition to their fun spider-like growth habit, Spider plants can purify airborne toxins and help churn out fresh oxygen. Their leaves can be solid green or have varying degrees of white stripes on them. Plus, they can sprout mini spider plants that can be removed and replanted to grow on their own! They require light, infrequent watering (generally weekly),—less often in the fall/winter.
These waxy beauties are certainly trendy, but not only because of their interesting shapes and hues ranging from mint green to deep violet. Their thick leaves store water, so they typically only require little watering (wait until the soil is dry before dousing them again, and never get their leaves wet). Succulents come in lots of varieties (like slender cacti, spiky sedum, smooth Echeveri or flowering Kalanchoe), but typically enjoy sunlight and dry air.
ZZ Plant
These plants, which grow in tall stalks of deep green, rubbery leaves, like to be left alone. Though they prefer moderate levels of sunlight, they can tolerate low light too, so they're often popular choice for offices.
Visit your local SummerWinds Nursery to find these easy-care houseplants and more! Selection and availability varies by location.