Be Inspired Blog

A shaded desert landscape, a dove in a tree, a bee drinking water, a Robin in a bird bath, a landscape with speckled shade, and a butterfly on lantana.

Summer Support for Wildlife Visiting Your Garden

In Arizona's Valley of the Sun, supporting birds and other instrumental pollinators in your summer garden can be both rewarding and crucial for our local ecosystem. We've got some tips to help you create a welcoming environment where these beneficial creatures to recoup from the heat.

Pink Bougainvillea, a storm in the desert, a Texas Mountain Laurel, and a plant being pruned.

Gardening Tips for Monsoon Season

Who Says Plants Can't Thrive During an Arizona Summer? Monsoon Season Monsoon season in Arizona begins June 15 and ends September 30. Learn how you can help protect your plants and even plant new ones!

Painting a tree trunk white, watering a plant surrounded by mulch, and shade cloth over a large area of raised bed veggie gardens.

Summer Heatwave Tips To Help Protect Your Plants

Ongoing, summer heatwaves are difficult on people, wildlife and plants. To help relieve some of the stress your plants are under, here are some key gardening tips from Jack, a Master Gardener at our Phoenix store, as well as some watering tips from Water – Use It Wisely.

5 images: houseplants with humidifier, watering can, a moisture meter, a woman smiling, and someone setting the thermostat to 70 F.

Summer Houseplant Care: Thriving with Air Conditioning

Caring for houseplants during hot summer months can have its own unique challenges. Learn how to maintain optimal watering, humidity, lighting, and temperature conditions while using air conditioning. Keep your plants healthy and thriving with these practical tips for happy houseplants!

Cheers to Dad! and 5 different beverages made with fresh fruits and herbs.

Celebrate Dad with Fresh Fruit & Herb Drinks for a Cool Father's Day

Discover versatile Father's Day beverages made with garden fresh fruits and herbs. Enjoy them as non-alcoholic refreshments or add a splash of alcohol for a delicious twist.