October Gardening Calendar

october gardening calendar with tips and images

Wondering What You Should Be Doing In Your Garden?

Below is a calendar of key things you can be doing in your garden during the month of October.

images of clover and alfalfa, snapdragons, kale and pumpkins

Approximate Timing & October Gardening Activities:

Now is the time for clean up!

Early October

  • Deciduous trees are going to start dropping leaves so get those gloves and rakes out
  • It's time to pull out your tomatoes and peppers and replant with either cover crops or winter vegetables

cover crops crimson clover


Late October

  • Don’t end up with picked over pumpkins for Halloween and fall décor.  We have a great selection and now is a great time with the weather cooling to start decorating your home
  • Bring in flowers for fall through spring like primrose, pansies, snapdragons, Chrysanthemums, and cyclamen
  • Deadhead roses and other flowers
  • Last feeding for your lawn
  • Start to plan where to plant bulbs in November

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