July Gardening Calendar

july gardening calendar with tips on the right

Wondering What You Should Be Doing In Your Garden?

Below is a calendar of key things you can be doing in your garden during the month of July.

july gardening calendar tips images of zucchini, deadheading flower, water irrigation scheduler, drip irrigation in strawberries

Approximate Timing & July Gardening Activities:

Early July

  • Fertilizing for Summer Blooms: If it’s not too hot, you can fertilize your plants to encourage summer blooms.

  • Watering: Water early in the day to reduce evaporation and prevent fungal diseases. Ensure plants receive deep, infrequent watering to encourage deep root growth.

  • July 4th Recipes: Check out these fun recipes for your Fourth of July holiday: “Garden Recipes for A Great Fourth of July” and “Red, White & Blueberry: Patriotic Recipes from the Garden.

  • Irrigation Check: Double-check that all irrigation systems are working properly. Earwigs like to hide in emitters and 1/4” tubing to stay cool and moist.

  • Mulching: Apply mulch around your plants, trees, and shrubs to keep them cool and help retain moisture during the summer heat.

A staked tomato plant being watered by drip irrigation.


  • Watering Schedule: Reassess your watering schedule. Plants prefer deep soaks less often. Water in the early morning to conserve water.

  • Soil Moisture in Containers: Check soil moisture regularly in containers, as they dry out faster than garden beds.

  • Pest Monitoring: Regularly check for pests like aphids, spider mites, and caterpillars. Neem oil is recommended for pest control.

  • Disease Prevention: Remove any diseased leaves or plants to prevent the spread of diseases.

  • Weeding: Keep up with weeding to reduce competition for water and nutrients.

Late July

  • Thrips on Roses: With warmer weather, thrips are more common on roses. Use Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew to manage them.

  • Fruit Harvesting: Start checking for ripe fruit and harvest zucchini when they are 6 to 8 inches long.

  • Pruning: Trim back any overgrown or leggy plants to maintain shape and encourage new growth.

  • Heat-Tolerant Plants: Plant heat-tolerant and drought-resistant plants to ensure your garden remains resilient during the hot summer months.

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