Bush Roses Varieties
Beautiful, Fragrant and Timeless

Roses allow you to express yourself in the garden in so many ways. While roses have a traditional feel, they are actually very versatile and can add the perfect touch to whatever feeling you are hoping to evoke in your garden. Roses are the key element to mediterranean gardens, cottage gardens, container gardens and the list goes on. Roses are no longer a plant to fuss over - they are disease resistant and have moved to the "Easy To Care For" catagory. The color, the beauty and fragrance of a rose is simply a must for California landscapes.
These classic beauties, strong and intense with sweet fragrance, come in an array of colors. Choose from hybrid teas, floribundas and grandifloras. Please Note: selection may vary by location
Weeks Roses
- Hybrid Teas
- Floribundas
- Grandifloras
- Rose Gardening Essentials
- Planting and Care
- 5 Things To Consider When Selecting A Rose
- Grandiflora vs. Floribunda vs. Hybrid Tea
Hybrid Tea Roses

All My Loving™
Long-stemmed flowers are ideal for bouquets, producing many large, bright pink flowers all season. They stand out above the foliage, making them easy to cut. "All My Loving" is a Hybrid Tea rose with one big flower on each stem. It thrives in both rainy and sunny climates, maintaining its petal color until they fall. The plant has healthy leaves and strong growth, ensuring plenty of blooms.
- Color: Light red to dark pink
- Fragrance: Moderate tea with sweet spices
- Hybrid Tea

These roses have large, classic flowers in a deep apricot color, the richest yet. They grow on long stems with dark green leaves and elegant pointed buds. They need protection in harsh climates and bloom best when established and cool.
- Color: Blending of warm apricot hues
- Fragrance: Mild tea
- Hybrid Tea

Chris Evert
Nothing subtle about this rose – orange-yellow with a scarlet blush at the finish and a deep red in the beginning. Strong, consistent color.
- Flower Size – Large
- Intro Year – 1997
- Hybrid Tea

Chrysler Imperial
An idyllic rose that offers a powerful rich rose fragrance and velvety red petals.
- Flower Size – Large
- Intro Year – 1953
- Available in a Bush and Tree
- Hybrid Tea

Double Delight
An eye-catching color combination with an ever-pleasing fragrance that has topped the charts for years. Maintains incredible color in warm days and cool nights.
- Flower Size – Large
- Intro Year – 1977
- Available in a Bush and Tree
- Hybrid Tea

This large, fragrant, long-stemmed rich-red Hybrid Tea rose represents the classic rose for many. It was chosen as the first sponsorship rose for the 'Remember Me' garden fund to honor the victims of 9-11, with sales contributing to the fund. The robust plant produces plenty of blossoms and has clean green leaves that keep it attractive in the garden. It shows the best red color in cooler temperatures.
- Color: Dusky velvet red
- Fragrance: Intense old rose
- Hybrid Tea

Fragrant Cloud
This coral-orange rose emits a strong, sweet fragrance that's sometimes spicy, often clove-like, and distinctly rose-like. It grows large, well-shaped blooms on a robust plant with dark glossy leaves. The color is deepest in cool conditions.
- Color: Deep coral red-orange
- Fragrance: Strong sweet spice & rose
- Hybrid Tea

Full Sail
It's rare to find fragrant white roses, so the pleasantly scented white mutation of the New Zealand rose was a delightful surprise. Aside from its color, it has all the excellent features of the original, like glossy leaves and beautiful flowers. Its strong honeysuckle scent is especially captivating. The flowers open best in consistent temperatures and grow largest in cooler conditions.
- Color: Bright white
- Fragrance: Strong honeysuckle
- Hybrid Tea

Heavenly Scented™
Heavenly Scented™ roses have amazing color retention and won’t lose their vivid salmon-pink color in the sun. They have an upright growth habit, making them ideal cutting flowers. And if their lovely scent isn’t the clincher, they have a strong resistance to downy mildew and rust.
- Color: salmon
- Fragrance: strong fruity and spices
- Fresh Cut Flower: Yes
- Hybrid Tea

Henry Fonda
Immensely popular, this rose boasts distinctly deep yellow blossoms surrounded by deep green and clean foliage. It shows remarkable vigor.
- Flower Size – about 4½ inches in diameter
- Intro Year – 1996
- Hybrid Tea

This tall, vigorous plant produces large, clear white blooms and has dark green leaves with bronzy-red new growth. It is resistant to rust and powdery mildew. The plant produces many long stems ideal for cutting and thrives on the Pacific Coast.
- Color: Crisp bright white
- Fragrance: Slight tea
- Hybrid Tea

Hotel California
This vibrant, large-flowered, clear-yellow Hybrid Tea rose originates from the Orard family in central France. It features long stems perfect for cutting, elegant big buds, and glossy foliage. The color and size of the flowers are best in cooler temperatures.
- Color: Blending of warm apricot hues
- Repeat blooms throughout season
- Hybrid Tea

Just Joey
An immigrant from England, Just Joey is a vigorous rose in our California landscapes with large ruffled apricot flowers and a fruity fragrance.
- Flower Size – Large
- Intro Year – 1972
- Available in a Bush and Tree
- Hybrid Tea

Lasting Love®
This gorgeous red rose will give Mister Lincoln a run for his money with powerful perfume and a deep dark red bloom with pink hues that play off their glossy foliage. This rose is almost too perfect.
- Color: dusky red blended deep pink
- Fragrance: powerful perfume
- Intro Year: 2005
- Hybrid Tea

Make Me Blush™ - New this year!
Watch as the easy-to-care-for Make Me Blush tea rose blooms in summer, bringing large flowers that spread 4 to 5 inches wide and give off a light fruity smell. Its light-yellow petals are softly touched with pink. From the first pointed buds to the big blooms that keep appearing all summer, Make Me Blush always shows off perfect flowers. They are highly resistant to common plant diseases like mildew and rust.
- Color: Soft yellow with coral-pink blush
- Intro Year: 2024
- Fragrance: Moderate fruity
- Hybrid Tea

Mister Lincoln
The powerful damask rose fragrance and velvety red petals tell a story of a rose that has vigorously graced many landscapes throughout our country.
- Flower Size – Large
- Intro Year – 1965
- Available in a Bush and Tree
- Hybrid Tea

If Neptune, the aquatic god, could enjoy scents, he would adore this rose named after him. It features large, captivating lavender blossoms with a hint of purple. The plant is robust, with glossy green leaves and strong vitality, likely to win awards. The blooms are largest in cooler temperatures. Just take a whiff—it's truly impressive!
- Color: Rich lavender kissed purple
- Fragrance: Powerful sweet rose
- Hybrid Tea

Picture Perfect™
This one is truly an eye-catcher with its hot pink petals and a solid cream color on the reverse of each petal. Elegant flowers with shapely pointed, spiraling buds. Re-blooms throughout the season, so you can bring the beauty inside for bouquets all summer long!
- Color: fuchsia pink and white reverse
- Cut Flower: yes
- Hybrid Tea

Pope John Paul II
Among the finest, most fragrant white roses of all time. With a fresh citrus fragrance, this rose produces large and luminous pure white blossoms.
- Flower Size – up to 6 inch diameter
- Intro Year – 2013
- Available in a Bush and Tree
- Hybrid Tea

Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel roses have a great scent and a unique pastel silver-blue color. They have a classic shape and long stems that are ideal for flower shows. The tall, vigorous plant is covered with large, deep green leaves. The flowers are largest and most colorful in cooler temperatures.
- Color: Silvery-lavender
- Fragrance: Strong rose
- Hybrid Tea

Sugar Moon™
If you are looking for pure white roses with impressive, contrasting foliage and a scent to go wild over, Sugar Moon is the rose for you.
- Flower Size – Large, up to 5-inch diameter
- Intro Year – 2012
- Hybrid Tea
Additional Hybrid Tea Varieties Include:
- In The Mood
- Love At First Sight
- Memorial Day
- Neil Diamond
- Olympiad
- Peace
- Perfume Delight
Grandiflora Roses

This new version of the 2007 AARS winner, Strike It Rich, features the same excellent qualities but in a bright, lasting yellow color. It's a robust, healthy plant that blooms profusely, with deep red new shoots and dark green leaves highlighting the clusters of vibrant flowers.
- Color: Lasting lemon yellow
- Fragrance: Moderate sweet spice & fruit
- Grandiflora

Dick Clark
Black-red buds open into cream flowers with cherry pink edges that turn burgundy in the sun, finishing as a deep dark red. This striking color combination is set against shiny green leaves on long stems, creating a stunning display. The plant is easy to grow, very vigorous, and produces its largest flowers in cooler temperatures.
- Color: Cream & cherry blushed burgundy
- Fragrance: Light cinnamon spice
- Grandiflora

Miss Manners™ - New This Year!
It's often said that being able to tolerate bad behavior is a sign of good manners. Miss Manners Grandiflora rose handles garden pests with elegance. It’s a lovely, compact rose that offers deep pink blooms with a classic, English rose look and a sweet, fruity scent. Miss Manners’ strong resistance against diseases like powdery and downy mildew, as well as rust, combines toughness with beauty.
- Color: Medium pink
- Intro Year - 2024
- Fragrance: Moderate fruity & spices
- Grandiflora

Quest for Zest™ - New This Year!
Brighten up your space with big, yellow flowers from the Quest for Zest Grandiflora rose, perfect for bouquets with their strong lemon-citrus smell. These flowers, either alone or in groups on the stem, and their irresistible fragrance, are sure to catch your attention. It stands out for its vigorous growth, standout lemon scent, and ability to resist diseases. Quest for Zest might just be the unique rose you're looking for!
- Color: Medium pink
- Flower Size - Moderate fruity & spices
- Intro Year - 2024
- Grandiflora
Additional Grandiflora Varieties Include:
- Good As Gold
- Gold Medal
- Pop Art
- Queen Elizabeth
- Radiant Perfume
- Strike It Rich
- Uptown Girl
Floribunda Roses

Angel Face
Numerous lavender blossoms with a strong sweet citrus scent fill the air. This plant is loved for its low, bushy shape, almost constant blooming, unique color, and sweet aroma.
- Color: Clear medium lavender blushes ruby
- Fragrance: Strong, citrus
- Floribunda

Arctic Blue™
The Arctic Blue rose has many lilac pink blossoms that bring a cool, arctic feel to your garden. These flowers have a unique lavender blue tint with creamy backs on the petals. They last well in heat and open slowly, keeping their beauty longer. When the flowers finally drop their petals, it looks like a shower of lavender blue snow. This strong plant is drought resistant and has glossy green leaves that protect it from diseases, ensuring a continuous bloom.
- Color: Lilac pink fading lavender blue with cream reverse
- Fragrance: Moderate fruity to citrus-like
- Floribunda

Drop Dead Red™
This plant features incredibly rich, velvety red flowers against glossy deep green leaves that enhance the vibrant color. It's a striking red that really stands out, inviting you to stop and look. The intense red lasts until the flower fades, making this bushy, shiny plant perfect for landscaping. It blooms best in cooler conditions.
- Color: Red Velvet
- Fragrance: Mild Tea
- Floribunda

Easy Does It®
This plant features bright colors of mango orange, peach-pink, and apricot, set against shiny green leaves, creating a vibrant display. Its fragrant, large clusters of flowers resemble a sunset and grow on a rounded, bushy plant. It's disease-resistant, robust, and thrives in any climate, making it a standout addition to any garden.
- Color: Mango, peach & apricot blend
- Fragrance: Light Fruity
- Floribunda

Ebb Tide™
Dusky deep purple buds swirl open to very double old-fashioned flowers of velvet plum. The intense clove fragrance will nearly bowl you over.
- Flower Size – medium 3 to 4 inch diameter
- Intro Year – 2006
- Available in a Bush and Tree
- Floribunda

Of the top ten roses of the world and the best landscape white around, Iceberg is extremely disease resistant, vigorous and floriferous.
- Flower Size – Medium
- Intro Year – 1958
- Available in a Bush and Tree
- Floribunda

Julia Child
Just before our wonderful American icon left us, she selected this exceptional rose to bear her name. Julia loved the even butter gold color, the licorice candy fragrance.
- Flower Size – Medium up to 3 ½ diameter
- Intro Year – 2006
- Available in a Bush and Tree
- Floribunda

Sheila's Perfume
Sheila must be a beautiful and sweet-smelling woman to have this stunning English rose named after her. Although it's a Floribunda, its big yellow flowers with deep pink highlights look more like the ones you'd see on a Hybrid Tea rose. Each bloom is also full of wonderful scent.
- Color: Yellow edged deep pink
- Flower Size - Strong rose & fruit
- Intro Year - 1985
- Floribunda

For a pop of bright red in your garden, choose this easy-to-care-for rose. With its vibrant, ruffled red flowers that last a long time and stand out against shiny green leaves, it'll make a statement.
- Color: Brilliant orange-scarlet
- Flower Size - Mild
- Intro Year - 1977
- Floribunda
Additional Floribunda Varieties Include:
- Easy Going
- Ketchup And Mustard
- Koko Loko
- Livin' Easy
- Morning Glow
- Rosie The Riveter
- Scentimental
- Sexy Rexy
- Vavoom
- Violet Pride
5 Things To Consider -
When Selecting A Rose For Your California Landscape
- 1. Location and Space – The size of the rose you can grow depends on the amount of space you can devote to it. If the space you have is large or would benefit by a rose as a focal point, Grandiflora varieties would be a great choice for you. Smaller areas or areas that are limited by space, Floribunda or Hybrid Teas would be a good fit. Perhaps you have an area that could use a little extra height – 36” Tree Roses are always stunning. Smaller spaces, such as a patio, balcony, container garden, a 24” Patio Tree Rose will make a statement. And finally, if you are looking for a rose that is low growing, consider carpet roses for ground cover, borders, mass plantings, or in containers.
- 2. Climate – While we only carry plants that will do well in the Bay Area, we do experience micro-climates so a rose that might do well in one area, may not be the best choice for all areas of the South Bay. Talk with our trusted garden advisors to find the rose that will thrive in your garden.
- 3. Color – While this is more of a personal preference and for aesthetic purposes, selecting a rose based on color is important. We have an incredible selection of roses so finding the rose to match you, should be a breeze.
- 4. Scent – This may a pleasant perk to narrowing down your rose choice. Some roses have a strong fragrance, while others have little or no scent at all.
- 5. Care and Maintenance – Roses these days are not like your Grandma’s roses of yester-year, they are disease resistant and with a little fertilizer and pruning, they are easy to care for. However, there are some varieties that are simply carefree and colorful. If this is a quality you prefer, Knock Out® Roses and Carpet Rose Varieties are the selection for you.
Rose Gardening Essentials
SummerWinds Potting Soil
Our SummerWinds Potting Soil has received the CDFA (California Department of Food and Agriculture) seal of approval. Formulated for the Bay Area and comprised of the very best Natural and Organic ingredients to give your trees, shrubs, perennials, edibles, and more an incredible start in your garden landscape and containers - indoor and out.
- 1.5 cuft. Bag
Rose & Flower Food
E.B. Stone Organics Rose & Flower Food 5-6-3 is suggested for roses, perennials, and other flowering plants. Long lasting, slow-release nitrogen. Registered cdfa. Use with E.B. Stone Organics Rose Grow Planting Mix and E.B. Stone Naturals Soil Sulfur.
- E.B. Stone Organics
- 4 lb. Package
Rose & Flower Potting or Planting Soil
This is a versatile mix that can be used as both a soil amendment or as a ready-to-use potting soil. It is a 100% natural organic soil mix that was blended for growing flowers and roses. This soil is slightly acidic and contains just the right ingredients to get your lovely flowers off to a good start. Ingredients: Aged Fir Bark, Aged Redwood, Composted Chicken Manure, Pumice, Earthworm Castings, Peat Moss, Alfalfa Meal, Dolomite Lime (pH Adjuster) Oyster Shell Lime (pH Adjuster), Bat Guano, and Kelp Meal.
- E.B. Stone Organics
- 1.5 cuft. Bag
For More Rose Care Solutions
Grandiflora vs. Floribunda vs. Hybrid Tea Roses
The Grandiflora comes as a result of crossing a Floribunda with a hybrid tea rose. They are on the large side, growing to heights of 4 to 5 feet tall. Grandifloras are often thought of as the most popular variety of rose. The grandiflora rose bush likes to grow tall and will usually exceed all other roses in height other than the climbers, of course.
Just as the name suggests, they produce an "abundant" of blooms. They may have single or semi-double flowers that can be either cup shaped or flat. Plant it in a slightly acidic soil and give it plenty of love and you will enjoy beautiful blooms for years to come. Most Floribundas are smaller than Hybrid Teas
Hybrid Teas
The hybrid tea rose’s blooms are usually what come to mind when most anyone thinks of roses. These beautiful high centered classic beautiful blooms. Hybrid tea roses grow from 3 to 7 feet tall and 3 to 5 feet wide, depending on the cultivar.
Planting and Care:
- Plant in full sun (an area that receives a minimum of 6 hours)
- Don’t crowd your roses when you plant - they prefer some airflow which will help to prevent diseases
- Much mulch appreciated. A couple of inches of mulch over the soil and the roots of your soil will help to deter weeds, keep diseases from splashing up on the leaves of your roses and holds moisture.
- Compost - A healthy layer of organic material such as compost will encourage beneficial microbes and improve and maintain the health of your roses
- Check out our How-To-Videos for additional information on How To Plant your roses